Stewie’s full name is Mymains Stewart Gilligan. This stunning cat is the longest domestic cat ever recorded in the Guinness World Records, forty eight point five inches. “He’s longer than the width of a twin bed.”
Stewie had a beautiful grey tabby coat and a nice personality. He was a certified therapy cat, frequently visiting a senior center. Sadly, he had cancer and passed away in 2013.

Stewie the long Maine Coon. Image from youtube screenshot.
Sean Coonery
Sean became an Internet star because of his large size and conversations with his owner. Like his namesake, he has the most intimidating look in the cat kingdom and some of the funniest videos on Youtube. Sean’s silky gray white coat is beautiful and very large, clocking in at thirty nine point three inches and twenty four point two pounds.
Lotus has the look of a majestic wild lion, with big fluffy paws, a stunning tail and lynx ears. He is thirty nine point three inches long and weighs in at twenty two pounds. Definitely larger than average for Maine Coons. Lotus is a cute gentle giant who loves to cuddle and sleep on his back, alongside his family.
Lotus often wears a harness when he goes out for a walk, and this glamorous star has his own Instagram account full of amazing posed photos. 340,000 followers agree.
Barivel is a beautiful Italian Maine Coon. He clocks in at three feet eleven point two inches. Since 2018 he has been the current Guinness World Record Holder for the longest domestic cat.
Since gaining that honor, the Great Barivel has become so famous that paparazzi stop his owners on the street to ask for photos. At five years old, this calm shy cat is often paraded around the park in a stroller.
This kitty only eats biscuits, chicken, and fish, and his favorite dish is tuna. He is on Instagram @Barivel_Maine_Coon.
The monumental Samson from America at almost four feet long and twenty eight pounds. That makes him the biggest cat in New York. His owners say he is big, strong, and well proportioned.
Samson is expensive to keep. He eats up to six cans of wet food each day, plus several bags of kibble every week. Jonathan Zurbel spends up to $120 on grooming alone. Jonathan says this is a good investment for an Instagram star with more than 220,000 followers. @Catstradamus.
He is very affectionate, sweet, polite, and follows his owner everywhere. They call him “a dream companion.”

Samson the big boy. Image from TrendMax youtube screenshot.
Moonwalk Magnum
Magnum is a huge five-year-old fur baby who lives in France with his owner, Chatterie. Chatterie’s colossal kitty weighs twenty eight point six pounds.
He is the perfect dark gray and white companion to pump iron and build muscle, one of the biggest cats in Europe.
Kefir the giant white Maine Coon from Russia is often accused of being photoshopped, but he is real and lives with his owner Yulia Minina. When she got Kefir as a small kitten, she never imagines that almost two years later, he would weigh around twenty-seven point five pounds (12.5kg). He eats homemade food and at two years old, he still has some growing to do. “He is so big that he’s often mistaken for a dog.”
She says despite his unsettling appearance, he is so friendly, affectionate, and spoiled that he lets anyone pet him. Like most Maine Coons, he has always liked to sleep on top of his owner, but at his weight now, that is impossible. When resting, he often sits with his front legs crossed.
This big boy is very smart. He doesn’t Meow, Yell, or Claw the furniture, but he can strangely feel the mood of everyone in his house.
The giant Helios is a beautiful twenty-eight pound Maine Coon. Despite his large size, this kitten is very calm and loves to spend all day enjoying the caresses of his owner, only getting up for his favorite wet food. She spoils him with belly rubs and kisses.
He is so cute that his owner shoots and uploads many videos on her Youtube channel, Paradise places on Earth.
The imposing Omar is a massive Maine Coon from Australia, three feet eleven inches long and weighing in at thirty-one pounds.
Omar lives with his owner, Stephanie Hirst, who adopted this fluffy boy in twenty thirteen when he was tiny. Since then, his strict feeding routine consists of cat food and kangaroo meat. The super-lean Kangaroo meat may partly explain his huge size.
Omar found fame online, and the Guinness Records contacted Stephy to send in his measurements. Although he didn’t break the record, this big boy has become one of the most popular in Australia, appearing in major newspapers and even on national television.
But being a giant isn’t always a good thing! Because of his size, Omar is not allowed in his owner’s bedroom at bedtime.
As well as his huge size, Omar is a very smart boy. He can open doors, kitchen cupboards and even shower screens.
The three feet ten point six inches long Ludo weighs in at thirty four pounds, about three times a size of a conventional cat and as big as a child.
His owner Kelsey Gill says it is like having another child in the family. He loves to lay around, play with his toys and mostly to be petted and hugged.
He likes to spend quality time with Kelsey and lays beside her while she reads him a book.
On 6 October 2015, he was measured at 3ft 10.59in and received a Guiness World Record certificate.
Ludo is a friendly and adorable celebrity who has been photographed by many magazines and newspapers in Australia and around the world.